Friday, 10 October 2008

Big Shout Outs!

Shout out to Darren, laying grit on his neighbours' driveway as a small act of kindness
Shout out to Laura, wondering whether that milk's Ok after being left out all night
Shout out to Podge the Badger, peeling the price sticker off his new Cd
Shout out to John Barber, whose 1791 patent went a long way towards the invention of the internal combustion engine
Shout out to the London Symphony Orchestra, and why not?
Shout out to Kevin, offering the man from the AA strange and wonderful favours in return for a new spare tyre, just off the M11
Shout out to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch, breaking into Colchester Zoo at night and forcing the Koala Bears to smoke
Shout out to Piers Morgan, being an unsufferable cunt, as per usual
Shout out to First Bus Services, £2.20 single? Shocking
Shout out to Geirald the clown, keep away from that Rosald now, yeah?
Shout out to David 'Dave' Cameron, hopefully being served a three-eyed fish somewhere
Shout out to Lisa, who's just ripped her last pair of tights and burst into tears at futility of it all
Shout out to Darren again, wondering whether it was really all worth it
Shout out to James Brown, not so hard-working nowadays
Shout out to Rick Witter, adamantly believing he's having the last laugh
Shout out to Craig, who always seems to get Kyle MacLachlan and Rupert Everett mixed up
Shout out to Dean Windass, weeping openly into an overpriced cornish pasty in a crowded Little Chef
Shout out to Jagz, Kiddles, Braggadash and all the other members of the North Road Nastee Boyz, currently deep in discussion over how best to combat autumnal damp in the downstairs toilet
Shout out to Vladimir Putin, who's really trying a bit too hard
Shout out to Darren again, wondering whether his neighbours will ever even acknowledge his hard work
Shout out to Paris Hilton
Shout out to the Co-Op, acting like its customers don't know how much a loaf of bread is supposed to cost
Shout out to Graham, just now deciding that he'd much rather get pissed on his day off rather than starting on chapter two of his debut novel
Shout out to Georgina, desperately trying to remember if she likes avocado or not
Shout out HIFU, or High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Shout out to *some text missing*
Shout out to bold fonts
Shout out to Keith, leave it Keith, he's not worth it Keith
Shout out to Darren once more, ungritting his neighbours' driveway out of spite